Other People's Courses

Want To Become A Profitable Online Coursepreneur or Expand Your Existing Online Course Business FAST & Without Creating Your Own Courses?

"I Will Teach You How To License & Sell Highly-Profitable IN-DEMAND Courses"

& Launch And Sell Your Course In 5 Days Or Less.

This is your chance to finally take control of your future and become the online course creator /coursepreneur you've always wanted to be.

The REAL Reason 96% Of Course Creators Fail… or never get started in the first place

Are you a 9-5 employee, budding course creator, coach or consultant looking to become a coursepreneur but not sure what courses to create and sell? (Hint: Purchase a ready made course instead)

Do you believe in helping others by sharing high-quality courses that truly make a difference?

Let's face it...

Selling online courses is a fantastic way to monetize knowledge, but…

The elephant in the room?

What nobody tells you...

is just how much EFFORT is involved.

The 200 plus hours to “research” and outline your course idea

The 450 plus hours to actually create your course

or the 300 plus hours to write your sales copy, build out your sales page

not forgetting all the hours setting up all the “tech” aspects

Or the FACT that over 90% of wannabe course creators fail!

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Introducing the OPC Other Peoples Courses method.

The OPC Other Peoples Courses Method is a counterintuitive approach to building a highly profitable eLearning business that helps everyday folks create their own profitable Online Course Business WITHOUT the "typical" stress, overwhelm, frustration, money and time costs!

We achieve this by finding ready made in-demand online courses, courses that we can "license" and sell as our OWN courses...

and we do this without the usual trial and error, throw mud at the wall and hope something sticks approach.

We know EXACTLY what courses people are buying right now and where they are buying from.

So we know WHAT courses to sell and HOW to sell them...

And as a result...

This frees you up to enjoy MORE time and money freedom generating a more consistent and ever expanding income.

This is the POWER of the OPC Other People's Courses method.


Dear Future OPC Other People's Courses Legend

From: The laptop of Phil Henderson

Re: Your OWN Online Course Empire That Actually Works!! (and why this is your only way out)

Surprised to see a $27 price tag on one of these?

Would it surprise you to learn, that I finally cracked the whole Online Course Secret to Success using the information revealed in the OPC Other People's Courses Method?- (168 page book and 18 step-by-step video modules)


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of over 15 years making money online, as well as almost 20 years as a corporate consultant.

However, more importantly, over the past 11 years I've helped thousands of everyday folks just like you and me to finally crack the code to making REAL money online.

Today, I'm sharing my little-known OPC Other People's Courses method that ANYONE can learn and apply and tap-into the MULTI BILLION eLearning industry. (without having to create your own courses, ever!)


The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT invest.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

I Cracked The Code Using A Completely Counterintuitive OPC Other People's Courses Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same OPC Other People's Courses model that people who want to have their own profitable Online Course portfolio from all over the world are now using to make more while working less…

...And showing how ANYONE can tap-into the ever growing MULTI-BILLION Dollar eLearning Industry

...And in turn achieving success faster than ever before...

...All while saving both their valuable time and money so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

...And best of all this is helping many "part timers" to quit their soul sucking day jobs and enjoying life on their terms.

…This is something completely different, because…

The OPC Other Peoples Courses method is a shortcut

Before I discovered the OPC Other Peoples Courses method - I was struggling to make consistant money from my online business for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I was working the usual 9 to 5 in my day job and then at least four hours in the evenings and most of my weekends on my online "stuff".

I tried all kinds of ways to make money online, MLM, affiliate marketing, doing online surveys, mystery shopping, eCom, you name it, I've probably "tried" to make money from it.

My wife Susan, was fed up with all of our money I was simply wasting, buying course after course in the hope something might work.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I could "tap in to" the PROVEN OPC - Other Peoples Courses method to make money online.

Discovering Hidden Opportunities:

A Journey of Revelation…

Selling other people's courses wasn't just a business decision for me – it was a revelation.

As I dived deeper into this new venture, I uncovered more and more benefits that hadn't even considered before.

  • I NO Longer Struggled Coming Up With Course Ideas
  • I Didn't Have To Invest In Expensive Equipment
  • I NO Longer Had To Spend Weeks Or Months Of Frustration Creating My Courses


I could now leverage the efforts and expertise of others and launch a high quality in-demand course in ANY niche and on any topic I wanted.

And there were even MORE benefits to using Other People's Courses

  • Low initial investment: Creating a high-quality course requires time, expertise, and often financial resources for things like video production and editing. By leveraging other people's courses, we can avoid these upfront costs and risks.
  • Learning opportunity: By selling other people's courses, we as creators can gain valuable insights into what makes a successful course. We can learn about course structure, content creation, marketing strategies, and customer engagement techniques from established creators.
  • Access to expertise: As a beginner, course creators may not have the expertise or experience in certain subject areas. Selling other people's courses allows them to tap into the knowledge and expertise of experienced instructors in various fields without having to master those subjects themselves.
  • Diverse content: Offering a variety of courses from different creators allows beginners to cater to a broader audience with diverse interests and learning preferences. This can help attract more customers and increase sales potential.
  • Time-saving: Developing a high-quality course from scratch can be time-consuming, especially for beginners who may still be learning the ropes. Selling other people's courses allows them to skip the content creation process and focus on building their platform, marketing, and sales efforts.
  • Reduced risk: Since the courses are already developed and proven to be marketable, beginners can mitigate the risk of failure associated with creating their own courses. They can test the waters and gauge customer interest before investing significant time and resources into course development.
  • Income potential: Selling other people's courses can generate a steady stream of income through licensing agreements. This can provide beginners with a source of passive income while they work on developing their own courses or building their brand in the industry.

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for your online success…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The OPC Other People's Courses model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my online business…

Do you want to grow your current business FASTER by licensing and selling highly profitable in-demand courses and keep 100% of the profits?


Here's How It Works:

Step 1 - Invest in the OPC Other People's Courses method today.

Step 2 - You will gain instant access to the OPC Other People's Courses method inside of our members area where we host all of the training.

Step 3 - You will gain access to our Stupidly Simple Marketing PRIVATE Facebook Group where you will be able to make incredibly valuable connections to other likeminded aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. Community and camaraderie.

Step 4 - Follow the training and do the work and launch your coursepreneur career in 5 days or less. *Note, you can enroll in the course now and start it whenever you'd like.

Here is a full breakdown of the OPC Other People's Courses modules:

  • Insight #1: OPC: The Opportunity - Discover why NOW is the perfect time to create an launch online courses, better still, use other people's courses and keep 100% of the profits!
  • Insight #2: Uncover The Best Selling Courses - Discover a little-known method for uncovering the BEST selling most in-demand online courses.
  • Insight #3: Choosing Your First Niche - Not all niches are equal or as profitable. Discover how to maximise your chances of success and validate potential income.
  • Insight #4: Finding OPC Sellers - Just like niches, not all OPC sellers are equal. I'll show you how to find suitable sellers offering the highest quality courses. High quality = MORE profits.
  • Insight #5: Where To Sell Your Courses - We'll pull back the curtain on a variety of options, showing the advantages and drawbacks when it comes to chosing a platform to sell your online courses.
  • Insight #6: Packaging & Promotion - Discover how to take your OPC courses to the next level by crafting irresistable offers, course titles, descriptions & hooks.
  • Insight #7: The Legal Stuff - It might be a boring topic; however, you don't want to fall foul of any license restrictions. We'll help you navigate this complex subject with ease.
  • Insight #8: Monetization & Success - So many course owners give away too much of their profits. Here we reveal how to ensure you keep 100% of your profits without impacting your success.
  • Insight #9: Launching & Marketing Your Courses - Launch with confidence & ignite with Marketing Magic. Discover the proven methods & strategies used by the TOP course sellers to send your sudent sign-ups soaring.
  • Insight #10: Scaling and Growing - Why stop at only one profitable course when you can create a course empire? Empowered with the methods shared in the OPC Method, your opportunities are only limited by your belief, desire and passion to build a thriving ever-growing online course business.

The OPC Other People's method can transform the trajectory of your future.

But you have to take action. Pull the trigger. Invest today.

All is revealed in the OPC 168 page book and 18 step-by-step video modules...

It's only $27.



Below you'll see some of my former & current students and what they have to say.

WHAT YOU GET IN THE OPC Other People's Courses Method...

Hands Down The Most Value You'll Ever See In A $827 $27 Program!

Here Is Everything You Get Inside the OPC Other People's Method...

OPC Other People's Courses Method

  • Insight #1: OPC: The Opportunity - Discover why NOW is the perfect time to create an launch online courses, better still, use other people's courses and keep 100% of the profits!
  • Insight #2: Uncover The Best Selling Courses - Discover a little-known method for uncovering the BEST selling most in-demand online courses.
  • Insight #3: Choosing Your First Niche - Not all niches are equal or as profitable. Discover how to maximise your chances of success and validate potential income.
  • Insight #4: Finding OPC Sellers - Just like niches, not all OPC sellers are equal. I'll show you how to find suitable sellers offering the highest quality courses. High quality = MORE profits.
  • Insight #5: Where To Sell Your Courses - We'll pull back the curtain on a variety of options, showing the advantages and drawbacks when it comes to chosing a platform to sell your online courses.
  • Insight #6: Packaging & Promotion - Discover how to take your OPC courses to the next level by crafting irresistable offers, course titles, descriptions & hooks.
  • Insight #7: The Legal Stuff - It might be a boring topic; however, you don't want to fall foul of any license restrictions. We'll help you navigate this complex subject with ease.
  • Insight #8: Monetization & Success - So many course owners give away too much of their profits. Here we reveal how to ensure you keep 100% of your profits without impacting your success.
  • Insight #9: Launching & Marketing Your Courses - Launch with confidence & ignite with Marketing Magic. Discover the proven methods & strategies used by the TOP course sellers to send your sudent sign-ups soaring.
  • Insight #10: Scaling and Growing - Why stop at only one profitable course when you can create a course empire? Empowered with the methods shared in the OPC Method, your opportunities are only limited by your belief, desire and passion to build a thriving ever-growing online course business.

Downloadable Worksheets & OPC Resources

Exclusive "Member's Only" Access To The Stupidly Simple Marketing Facebook Group

  • Meet other like minded, driven OPC Other People's Courses students


(I can't believe I'm doing this, but here I am)...

  • Bonus #1: - My recommended set up ($97 Value) - How to leverage the EXACT resources and tools I use in my own OPC business daily to find and sell the most in-demand courses.
  • Bonus #2: - Traffic 101 - How to attract the BEST buyers to your NEW Online Courses FAST. ($127 Value)
  • Bonus #3: - Insider Secrets - I reveal the EXACT structure I use to maximise my online course success behind my six figure a year online course business ($197 Value)


You may have seen by my a tiny selection of my testimonials, I LOVE to over-deliver, so...

For A Limited Time Only! I'm going to give you access to not one, but SIX of my best selling and TOP RATED guides 100% FREE

  • Fast Action Bonus #1: - $29,754 Case Study - Discover the EXACT method I taught Jonathan that made him $29,745 in 4 weeks working part time. ($47 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #2: - ChatGPT Ultimate Beginners Guide - Become a ChatGPT superstar and make $1000's per month! ($37 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #3: - The "SECRET" Six Figure System - Discover the underground method for generating $1000,00s simply by being the middle person. ($37 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #4: - From ZERO To Over $10,235 in under Six Weeks - his is my personal Case Study showing you exactly how I went from "zero to hero" in a brand new "industry" and how you can do the same! ($47 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #5: - 101 Offline Side Hustles - 101 Offline Side Hustles anyone can do, includes the Top Ten proven methods and other ways to generate $1000+ each and every month! ($37 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #6: - The Ultimate Side Hustle Book - My Best Selling120 page Digital Book where you will learn the secrets behind the ULTIMATE Side Hustle. ($37 Value)

An additional $242 in REAL VALUE, my best selling and TOP RATED guides 100% FREE

An Incredible Vault Of Information For Only...


Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

Introducing our 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Look - let me be real with you:

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase

Even though it’s only $27 - you worked for that money and it counts.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 60 days.

We’ll refund you your $27 and let you keep the OPC Other People's Courses book & six limited-time bonuses free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

So... You are probably wondering...

Why Does It Only Cost $27?!?

This program has incredible value, and we know that. Partly because we have had so many students go through this program and launch their very FIRST courses in a matter of hours not the typical, weeks or months it usually takes. We can absolutely justify charging much for this training course.

But we don't.

And let me tell you why.

This is only the beginning of your Online Coursepreneur journey and this is our entry level program.

Following the success our students enjoy, they get ABSOLUTELY HOOKED on OPC and building their own online course empires. That's why we call ourselves "Coursepreneurs".

Many of these students go on to work with myself (Phil) and my team and we link arms building our highly-profitable online course businesses together.

So to sum it up, we chose $27 as the price because we wanted it to be a NO-BRAINER.

We are so confident that you will find SO MUCH VALUE in this program, we really don't have anything to lose.

LET ME COACH YOU! I want to turn you into a professional OPC Other Peoples Courses Coursepreneur with the skills, tools and the strategies that will service you for the rest of your life.

Take action, enroll, let's get started.

Total Value $827

Join TODAY for only $27!


From the desk of Phil Henderson

Founder & Creator of OPC Other People's Courses Method

Dear Friend,

You're probably on this page because you're contemplating joining my OPC Other People's Courses Method coaching program for aspiring coursepreneurs, business owners and anyone who is looking to build a profitable online course business using other people's courses.

But that little voice inside your head is still not sure...

First, that's normal, and I'm glad that you're doing your research to see if the Other People's Courses Method is the right fit for you.

Being skeptical is a good thing.

Now, I'm going to be VERY HONEST with you - licensing and selling other people's courses is not easy, it takes some work.

If you're wondering about the success rate...It's 100% IF you do the work.


No one can guarantee you anything in life - it they do it's BS.

Think about it...When was the last time you were sold the dream only to be left disappointed.

It happens all the time in today's world, am I right?

Look, if you DO the work I tell you...

You'll end up licensing & launching highly-profitable courses in the next few days just like the people on this page.

People like you from all walks of life who ended up acquiring businesses and escaped the rat race.

Instead of the RISKY practice of creating a new course from scratch (please don't do that!).

People like you are ambitious and want to build a cash-cow business empire that puts cash in their pocket passively instead of working 80 hours per week until retirement.

People like you who put their faith in me to hold them accountable and put the fire on them.

Trust me, if you're in one of my coaching programs, and I see you're not doing the work - I'm going to call you out.

Plain and simple.Not everyone likes that about me but I’ve realized it’s the best thing I can do for you.

It's how I can remove the biggest obstacle standing in your way to success - YOU!

As you start talking to course creators, licensing their courses and getting ready to invest & launch, I'll be there with you every step of the way.

You'll know with crystal clear clarity exactly what to do.

Listen to what I tell you, and you'll get the result.Just do it!


Let me coach you and let's change the trajectory of your life and help you become the owner of an online other people's courses cash cow business.

Seeing My Students Finally Succeed With Their Online Business Is Priceless...

Listen To My Students Directly...

(Click On The Video To Play)

Disclaimer: These successful case studies are not expected to be considered as "typical results." These students worked hard following my system. I have had students join my coaching programs, not follow my systems & methods fully and not have results. Unfortunately you can't control human nature. The point of these case studies is to let you hear from people that have had results so you can hear their story.

Total Value $827

Join TODAY for only $27!


Stupidly Simple Marketing - All Rights Reserved - All Wrongs Reversed © Stupidly Simple Marketing (“Stupidly Simple,” “SSM” or “SSM”) provides, promotes, sells, and disseminates an online course on how to establish an online course business by selling courses created by others, subject to change. SSM operates solely as an educational entity dedicated to assisting individuals in business development and entrepreneurship.

The guidance offered is general in nature, not tailored to any specific individual, and does not consider individual circumstances.

SSM imparts a system or methodology, but the execution of due diligence and all aspects of implementation are entirely the responsibility of the user. As with any business endeavor, outcomes will vary and depend on numerous factors, including individual capabilities, business acumen, expertise, efforts, and market conditions. Success potential for each individual is influenced by various factors and unique circumstances in each investment, all beyond SSM’s control. Users are solely accountable for any business decisions or outcomes resulting from the application of information provided by SSM.

Financial and income outcomes are influenced by several variables. SSM cannot predict individual performance since it lacks knowledge of users' backgrounds, work ethic, business skills, or practices. Therefore, SSM does not guarantee or suggest that users will achieve wealth, perform as well as others, or generate any income.

The educational content and information presented by the Program target a broad audience and are not intended to constitute personalized advice.

The content of the Program (including but not limited to any format) is based on sources and information believed to be accurate at the time of creation. However, the subjects discussed are subject to continual changes related to technology, market dynamics, and legal and regulatory compliance.

The Program undergoes ongoing refinement, and SSM provides no warranty, implied or express, regarding its accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose. The information supplied in the Program is offered on an "as is" basis.

Earnings. Any testimonials, case studies, examples, or illustrations cannot ensure similar outcomes for users. Results may significantly vary based on factors such as market conditions, personal effort, and other circumstances. Any claims or representations regarding income earnings on the site do not reflect average earnings. There is no guarantee that past successes or income results will predict future success. SSM cannot predict users' performance due to lack of knowledge regarding their backgrounds, work ethic, or business practices. Thus, SSM does not assure or imply users' wealth accumulation, parity with others' achievements, or any income generation. Users accepting the figures provided on the site must acknowledge the risk of not achieving similar results.

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